Sketchbook 1 Done! 06/17/20 - 01/04/22

It took me way longer than expected, but I finally finished something… My very first traditional sketchbook!
Drawing, painting, sketching & doodling in it really helped me release some stress during the first season of COVID-19, as well as come up with some fun ideas while trying to limit my outings. It felt like a little escape from the horrible shit happening outdoors. 56 unique pieces, some which were then taken on to digital to further improve the idea.
Not been able to fully edit things helped a lot with my indecisiveness. I’ve never felt like a perfectionist; I like making things even when I don’t feel like it and/or even if I know I won’t finish it… but I do suffer from having never-ending half-started projects because I keep wanting to change things and nothing ever feels final.

I don’t think there is no theme to this first sketchbook, I think I just wanted to try things and use it as a de-stress space, which most certainly worked. Some of the spreads look better than others, some are even unfinished because I decided to move to digital… or just got bored of whatever I was creating. But overall I am extremely excited to have my very first finished sketchbook.

Flip-through below: