Learning 3D

During the pandemic a lot of us took on new hobbies. From baking bread from scratch to starting new side hustles to keep our minds occupied, we were all hungry for things to do while in lockdown. The online learning platforms did not miss a beat. The ads to millions of one off classes or workshops came in steady and cheaper than ever. Before that, I was no stranger to picking up a course here and there from Domestika or Skillshare. After all, working in advertising, I was always looking for ways to be innovative and keeping my skills sharp, but this was different. It felt like every other ad was a different learning platform: Udemy, Coursera, Masterclass, and many other independent people teaching their own courses. Perhaps all these platforms had existed before… but I had never seen so many of them at once on one scroll.

Many moons ago, I remember people talking about Maya, and Cinema4D. I would see the work created with those engines and only dreamed about the things I could create “if only”. Those engines were (are) crazy expensive, so I dismissed the thoughts and kept honing into what I already knew: the full Adobe Creative Suite. But one YouTube ad for a Udemy course got me: Learning Blender3D… a FREE software. I wondered how good free software could be… so I took the course. I am extremely impatient, and the course was super long and detailed which in hindsight totally makes sense but I wasn’t build to learn that way. I skipped around and learned the basic so that I could start playing around without breaking the software. And played around I did! Created many cool things with just a few videos and off I went. Once I itched for more (Blender 3D is a beast and has a gazillion of features, add ons and types of things you could make) I took on more and more courses from different outlets. Well, after 3 years of playing around with this free software…

I must say, out of all the courses paid and free I’ve taken, Patata School courses have been the funnest. The courses are short, you create something cool and can totally customize to your needs.

You can see all of my past and on-going progress with learning 3D on my insta